Interviews with government officials, academics, and leading world experts on major trade-related topics and the future of regional integration. In this edition of INTAL Connection, interviews with Antoni Estevadeordal, Patricia Salomone, Rubens Barbosa, Osvaldo Rosales, Valdemar Carneiro Leão Neto, and José Luis Cancela. We also continue to share Node i+i talks.


Presentation by Ricardo Lagos, former President of Chile, on the future for the Integration of Latin America and the consequences of a MERCOSUR-EU agreement. (Video in Spanish)


Presentation by Enrique Iglesias, former IDB President, on global economic context and the role of integration for development in the region. (Video in Spanish)


Interview with Antoni Estevadeordal, Manager of the IDB’s Integration and Trade Sector. (Video in Spanish)


Interview with Patricia Salomone, Director of Latin American Policy at Argentina’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (Video in Spanish)


Interview with Rubens Barbosa, President of the Upper Council of Foreign Trade of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo. (Video in Spanish)


Interview with Osvaldo Rosales, former Director of the International Trade and Integration Division of ECLAC. (Video in Spanish)


Interview with Valdemar Carneiro Leão Neto, former Brazilian Ambassador to China, Canada, and Colombia. (Video in Spanish)


Interview with José Luis Cancela, Uruguay’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Relations. (Video in Spanish)





Presentation by Juan Carr, Director of the Argentine NGO Red Solidaria [Solidarity Network]. (Video in Spanish)


Presentation by Paula Moreno Zapata, Director of the NGO Manos Visibles [Visible Hands]. (Video in Spanish)


Presentation by Javier Valdés, Executive Co-Director of the NGO Make The Road New York. (Video in Spanish)