Interviews with government officials, academics, and leading world experts on major trade-related topics and the future of regional integration, and educational videos to help you learn more about the issues. In this edition of INTAL Connection, Marta Lagos and Marita Carballo talk about the alliance between INTAL-Latinobarómetro and the importance of measuring citizens’ perceptions. We also continue to share Node i+i talks.
Interview with Marta Lagos, Director of Latinobarómetro (video in Spanish)
Interview with Marita Carballo, Director of Eurobarometer (video in Spanish)
Presentation by James Riccio, Director of the Low-Wage Workers and Communities Policy Area at MDRC
Presentation by Paula Hernández Olmos, National Coordinator of the Prospera program, Mexico (video in Spanish)
Presentation by Rosilene Rocha, Deputy Secretary of Labor and Social Development of the State of Mina Gerais, Brazil (video in Spanish)