More than 360 exporting firms from the region participated in the 5th Andean Business Forum (link in Spanish), which took place in the framework of a Macro Business Roundtable between exporters and importers from the member countries of the Andean Community (CAN) in Guayaquil on April 27 and 28, 2016.
The goal of the meeting was to strengthen production, employment, and commercial ties between CAN member countries through the Business Roundtable and a meeting of the Andean Committee of Export Promotion Authorities.
In this 2016 event, the focus of attention was on food and fisheries, textiles and apparel, metalworking, construction materials, containers and packaging, leather products and footwear, and pharmaceutical products, for which a total of at least 2000 business meetings took place.
The Andean Business Forum has been held since 2012 with the support of the Andean Export Promotion Agencies: PROMUEVE Bolivia, PROCOLOMBIA, PROECUADOR, and PROMPERÚ, in conjunction with the General Secretariat of the Andean Community.