This technological breakthrough will give citizens from all the countries in South America instant access to interactive data and maps for the nearly 600 infrastructure projects that are today part of the COSIPLAN Project Portfolio.


By launching this new multimedia platform, IIRSA has risen to the challenge of providing local, regional, and international users with the possibility of engaging with a large quantity of official, transparent, up-to-date information. Furthermore, the aim is to articulate physical integration projects with the territories they are being carried out in, through descriptions of the economic, social, and environmental aspects of the different Integration and Development Hubs, which were created between 2013 and 2015 as part of the COSIPLAN Work Plan.

Not only does the site have an attractive contemporary design, it also includes an interactive space and multimedia features, through which users can get to know their country’s and the region’s infrastructure works in terms of their specific geographic location. The development of the site was coordinated by INTAL in its role as the Secretariat of the COSIPLAN/IIRSATechnical Coordination Committee, within the UNASUR framework.


The multimedia section introduces the COSIPLAN Integration and Development Hubs, which are multinational land areas that include natural resources, human settlements, productive areas, and logistics services. These hubs allow integration infrastructure projects to be identified and agreed on through a vision that is shared by the 12 countries that make up the region.

The new site draws on data from the COSIPLAN Project Information System (SIP) and enables all users to visualize information interactively, be they government officials, researchers and academics, or members of the general public. To date, it has received some 50,000 visits per year.

The page is testimony to the work that has been undertaken in recent years planning and implementing regional infrastructure, and raising the profile and clarifying the location of projects being carried out in one, two or more countries in South America.

The COSIPLAN Project Portfolio brings together infrastructure works that will have a significant impact on integration and socio-economic development in the region. The portfolio is made up of transportation, energy, and communications projects that promote regional connectivity and generate sustainable social and economic development.

As of October 2015, the COSIPLAN Project Portfolio included 593 integration projects for an estimated investment of US$182.44 billion, distributed throughout South America. As part of the COSIPLAN Work Plan 2016, the projects that form part of the portfolio are currently being revised and updated.