Interviews with government officials, academics, and leading world experts on policies for integration and social inclusion. Specialists from INTAL summarize the main points covered in this issue of the magazine.

INTAL Connection no. 237.

INTAL Connection in Two Minutes.



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Presentation by Elena Arias Ortiz (video in Spanish), Education Senior Associate for the IDB’s Social Sector, on how to guarantee that investment in technology will improve learning and performance at school.



Presentation by Suzanne Duryea, Chief Economist at the IDB’s Social Sector, on the impact of the Youth and Children’s Orchestras of Venezuela on integration and learning among children and young people.



Presentation by Ramón Tejada Holguín (video in Spanish), Director of the Office of Information, Analysis, and Strategic Programming of the Presidency of the Dominican Republic, on the impact of extending the length of the school day in that country.