After taking part in the Digital Government Ministers’ Forum of Korea and Central America, the Dominican Republic (link in Spanish), Belize, Costa Rica (link in Spanish), El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama (link in Spanish) signed an agreement with Korea to strengthen digital government, through which they hope to promote cooperation to help build a high-quality public service.
The event was organized by Costa Rica’s Ministry of Science, Technology, Telecommunications (MICITT) (link in Spanish); the government of Korea; the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); and the Electronic Government Network of Latin America and the Caribbean (REDGEALC) (link in Spanish). Those who took part discussed innovation through digital government and other issues such as electronic customs systems, national archives, smart transportation systems, natural disaster management systems, and legal information management systems.
“Digital governance seeks to increase citizen engagement in decision-making processes, making the government more transparent, efficient, and effective and allowing different actors to interact as equals regardless of their ideological or political views. This is why we need a model to design and implement public policies for developing services and digital governability,” added Minister Carolina Vásquez Soto of MICITT.