n231Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Beliz, G., dir. y Ramos Martínez, A., coord. (2015). Informe MERCOSUR número 20 : Segundo semestre 2014 – Primer semestre 2015. Buenos Aires: INTAL. Federico Mazzella2 December, 2015
n231Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Las tecnologías disruptivas en América Latina y el Caribe : el gran salto. (2015). Integración y Comercio. 19(39). p. 1-326. Federico Mazzella2 December, 2015
n230Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Las tecnologías disruptivas en América Latina y el Caribe : el gran salto. (2015). Integración y Comercio, 39. Federico Mazzella30 October, 2015
n230Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration The high and low politics of trade : can the World Trade Organization’s centrality be restored in a new multi-tiered global trading system?. (2015). Geneva: WEF. Federico Mazzella30 October, 2015
n230Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration A new climate for peace: taking action on climate and fragility risks. (2015). s.l.: G7. Federico Mazzella30 October, 2015
n230Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Santa Gadea, R., ed. (2015). Analysis of experiences in trade and investment between LAC and Korea: the case of member countries of the Pacific Alliance : knowledge sharing forum on development experiences: comparative experiences of Korea and Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington: BID. Federico Mazzella30 October, 2015
n230Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Carciofi, R. (2014). Recursos naturales, competitividad e infraestructura en América del Sur. Montevideo: Red Sur. Federico Mazzella30 October, 2015
n230Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Meltzer, J. (2015). A new digital trade agenda. Geneva: E15 Initiative. Federico Mazzella30 October, 2015