n251Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration The Orange Economy in Latin America Some of the answers to the development challenges facing Latin America and the Caribbean may lie in the hands of creatives, designers, artists, and…Federico Mazzella2 August, 2017
n250Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Digital Trade in Latin America and the Caribbean The internet is changing consumption patterns, the outlook for firms, and economic prospects in the region.Federico Mazzella11 July, 2017
n248Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration INTAL-LIB recommends readings These are the publications selected by our library to find out more about the topics of this issue of INTAL Connection.Federico Mazzella28 April, 2017
n248Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Infographics on 581 Integration Projects The Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL), in its role as the Technical Secretariat for COSIPLAN, has presented an…Federico Mazzella27 April, 2017
n247Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration South American Connectivity in 31 Projects The Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL), in its role as the Technical Secretariat for COSIPLAN, has presented a…Federico Mazzella30 March, 2017
n246Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Value global chains and products exportation of natural resources Federico Mazzella7 March, 2017
n246Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration World employment and social outlook: trends 2017 Federico Mazzella7 March, 2017
n246Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Agro-industry evaluation between Mercosur and Pacific Alliance Federico Mazzella7 March, 2017
n246Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration The Reinvention of Digital Technology Despite the exponential leaps that digital technology has made, it has only recently started to truly penetrate industries.Federico Mazzella6 March, 2017