Overview of regional trade negotiations and agreements. The IJI is a compilation of regulatory texts, commentaries, and follow-up on legal commitments and developments of an analytical nature concerning the various integration processes taking place in Latin America and the Caribbean. For news and to learn more about the progress made on trade agreements and negotiations, visit IJI.
This month’s trends
Between the end of May and June 29, 2016, the regional trade policy agenda was marked by considerable activity within the Pacific Alliance, whose 11th Summit took place from June 29 to July 1 in Chile’s Lake District, giving rise to expectations on the part of member countries and potential observer countries. Likewise, in comparison with the previous month, there was moderate activity in relation to regional agreements and integration schemes. The most noteworthy activity took place within the regional agreements of Mexico and Peru, and within major integration schemes such as the MERCOSUR, SICA, and SELA.
360º Panorama
Over the course of the month progress was made on 24 existing agreements, two new agreements, and five trade negotiations (five advanced, one recently begun, and three new).
New Negotiation
- Pacific Alliance–South Korea: South Korea looks set to be a member of the Pacific Alliance (link in Spanish)
Advanced Negotiations
- Colombia–South Korea: FTA to enter into force in July (link in Spanish)
- Ecuador–European Union: Ecuador seeks to fast track trade agreements with the European Union (link in Spanish)
- Chile–Uruguay: Chile and Uruguay move forward with negotiations towards a trade agreement (link in Spanish)
New Agreements
- Pacific Alliance—Canada: Pacific Alliance signs strategic trade agreement with Canada (link in Spanish)
- Panama—Trinidad and Tobago: Panama ratifies trade agreement with Trinidad and Tobago (link in Spanish)
Selected news on trade agreements currently in force
- Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America—People’s Trade Agreement (ALBA–TCP) V Extraordinary Meeting of the ALBA–TCP Political Council (statement)
- Pacific Alliance:9th PA Summit: Pacific Alliance ministers open meeting with observer states in Puerto Varas (link in Spanish), 4th Pacific Alliance Macro Business Roundtable: US$200 million in deals expected (link in Spanish), A good year for the Pacific Alliance (link in Spanish), The Pacific Alliance accepts Argentina as an observer country (link in Spanish)
- Argentina–Brazil Partial Scope ECA 14: Extension of automotive agreement between Brazil and Argentina targets bilateral free trade in 2020 (link in Spanish)
- Argentina–Mexico Partial Scope ECA 6: Mexico and Argentina make headway on agreements before Peña Nieto’s visit to Buenos Aires (link in Spanish), Argentina and Mexico have not yet settled their disputes at the WTO
- Association of Caribbean States (ACS): 7th Summit of Caribbean States (Havana Declaration) Plan of Action
- Latin American Integration Association (ALADI): ALADI and SIECA sign Cooperation Agreement (link in Spanish)
- Central America–Mexico: Guatemala increases investment in Mexico (link in Spanish)
- Central America—European Union: Central America and the European Union at the 3rd Meeting of Advisory Groups on the Association Agreement (link in Spanish)
- Chile–European Union: Economic impact of Chile’s agreement with the European Union (link in Spanish)
- Colombia, Peru–European Union: European Parliament supports inclusion of Croatia in EU trade agreement with Peru and Colombia (link in Spanish)
- Andean Community (CAN): Ecuador to defend its safeguard measure at the World Trade Organization (link in Spanish), Committed to continuing to foster integration, the Andean Community celebrates 47th anniversary (link in Spanish)
- Amazonian Cooperation: The ACTO is granted international observer status by the Green Climate Fund (link in Spanish)
- Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR): GMC/Mercosur analyzes progress to overcome obstacles (link in Spanish), Uruguay seeks to make headway with the MERCOSUR on an FTA with China (link in Spanish), Changes in Brazil’s trade policy and impacts on the MERCOSUR (link in Spanish)
- MERCOSUR–SACU: MERCOSUR agrees on tariff cuts with southern African countries (link in Spanish)
- Mexico–European Free Trade Association (EFTA): Mexico seeks to increase investment flows with EFTA countries and China (link in Spanish)
- Mexico–Peru: Mexico automotive market represents a US$80 billion business opportunity for Peru (link in Spanish)
- Mexico–European Union: Progress on Mexico–EU agreement (link in Spanish), Mexico–EU global agreement to be updated at “top speed” (link in Spanish)
- Peru–United States of America: Peru and the USA sign antitrust cooperation agreement (in Spanish)
- Dominican Republic, Central America–United States of America (CAFTA–DR): CAFTA–DR: Central America and DR at a disadvantage in relation to trade with the USA (link in Spanish), DR victory at Arbitration Tribunal against the United States (link in Spanish)
- Central American Integration System (SICA): Nicaragua reports trade barriers in Central America (link in Spanish), Guatemala and Honduras create ministerial body to implement customs union (link in Spanish), Countries address the need to cut trade costs and deepen integration as keys to invigorate the regional economy (link in Spanish)
- Latin American Economic System (SELA): SELA and CARICOM assess economic and cooperation relations between Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico (link in Spanish)