Editorialn238 Editorial Staff This is a monthly publication property of the Institute for the Integration of Latin America...Federico Mazzella14 October, 2016
Connecting Voicesn238 Videos about the events: “Made in CHI-LAT” and “FUTURO GLOCAL” Federico Mazzella20 July, 2016
Ideas de IntegraciónIntegration Ideasn238 The Ten Technologies That Will Most Impact Our Lives According to an expert from MIT who gave a presentation at INTAL-Lab, the main changes will be in energy, transportation, and health. The impact…Federico Mazzella5 July, 2016
INTrivian238 InTrivia 238 ¿Cuánto sabes sobre integración regional y comercio? Encontrá todas las respuestas en INTrivia.Federico Mazzella5 July, 2016
n238Trade Thermometer Legal Instruments of Integration (IJI) Observatory Overview of regional trade negotiations and agreements. The IJI is a compilation of regulatory texts, commentaries, and follow-up on legal commitments and developments of…Federico Mazzella5 July, 2016
n238Trade Thermometer Replaced by Robots? Which jobs are most at risk of automation?Federico Mazzella5 July, 2016