The redesign of the Project Information System (SIP) homepage presents new ways of providing users with all the available information about Latin American integration projects in a simpler format and using a friendlier environment that is accessible from any device at any time.
One of the main changes is that users can choose where and how to explore the system from the outset. They can opt to enter via the Project Portfolio or the Integration Priority Project Agenda and will find data and individual access points in each.
The new design includes dynamic visualizations that allow users to find out more about integration projects by comparing them to one another by estimated investment, the sector they belong to, the countries they originate in, and other factors.
Using georeferenced Google Earth files, users can also easily see the locations of the 581 integration projects that make up the COSIPLAN Portfolio on each datasheet.
IDB/INTAL is continuing to innovate on its digital platforms to improve the quality of its planning process for connectivity in South America.
Find out more about the SIP through this video: