Integration in MotionInternational Scenarion252 The European Union and Brazil Request New Agricultural Subsidy Regulations at the WTO The two countries are seeking fairer conditions for farmers, especially for the least developed countries, and are also focusing on food security issues.Federico Mazzella1 September, 2017
Lecturas de Integraciónn244Reviews Tendencias Comerciales de América Latina y el Caribe El informe describe escenarios posibles de la dinámica comercial de una región que presenta matices a nivel subregional.Federico Mazzella26 December, 2016
Impact Assessmentn242Reading Material on Integration Macroeconomics and Trade: The Region’s New Challenges A World Bank report analyzes the short- and medium-term prospects for economic development in the region on the basis of changes in the macroeconomy…Federico Mazzella1 November, 2016