Lecturas de Integraciónn252Reviews Inversión extranjera directa y sector automotriz Oportunidades y desafíos que traen la convergencia de la economía digital, cambios en movilidad y consumo, regulación y cuidado del medio ambiente.Federico Mazzella1 September, 2017
n251Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration The Orange Economy in Latin America Some of the answers to the development challenges facing Latin America and the Caribbean may lie in the hands of creatives, designers, artists, and…Federico Mazzella2 August, 2017
Bibliographical Newsn251Reading Material on Integration INTAL-LIB’s Recommended Readings Recent publications selected by our library that provide more information on the issues covered in this INTAL Connection.Federico Mazzella2 August, 2017
Impact Assessmentn251Reading Material on Integration Greater Regional Integration is Needed to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The Annual Report on Regional Progress and Challenges in Relation to the 2030 Agenda for...Federico Mazzella2 August, 2017
Bibliographical Newsn250Reading Material on Integration INTAL-LIB’s Recommended Readings Recent publications selected by our library that provide more information on the issues covered in this INTAL Connection.Federico Mazzella11 July, 2017
n250Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Digital Trade in Latin America and the Caribbean The internet is changing consumption patterns, the outlook for firms, and economic prospects in the region.Federico Mazzella11 July, 2017
n249Reading Material on IntegrationReviews The Space Economy in Argentina Opportunities for productive innovation to sustainably improve competitiveness in an underexplored area.Federico Mazzella5 June, 2017
Impact Assessmentn249Reading Material on Integration Robots and the Future of Work: Is Technological Unemployment on the Horizon? As technologies take over the tasks traditionally performed by human labor, there is growing concern around the future of employment.Federico Mazzella5 June, 2017