n246Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration 2016 Overview: COSIPLAN Project Portfolio A new publication has been released as part of INTAL’s role as the Technical Secretariat for COSIPLAN. It is part of the process of…Federico Mazzella6 March, 2017
n245Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration COSIPLAN Activities: 2016 in Review A new publication has been released as part of INTAL’s work as the Technical Secretariat for COSIPLAN/IIRSA with a focus on the results achieved…Federico Mazzella31 January, 2017
n244Notable Publications Volpe Martincus, Christian. 2016. Out of the border labyrinth : an assessment of trade facilitation initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington: BID. Federico Mazzella27 December, 2016
n244Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Disaster risk management at COSIPLAN Two new publications have been launched as part of INTAL’s work as the Technical Secretariat for COSIPLAN/IIRSA’s work on disaster risk managementFederico Mazzella26 December, 2016
n243Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Perspectivas económicas de América Latina 2017: juventud, competencias y emprendimiento. 2016. París: OCDE; CAF; CEPAL. Federico Mazzella2 December, 2016
n243Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Informe MERCOSUR No 21 (2015-2016) Segundo semestre 2015 – Primer semestre 2016 Federico Mazzella2 December, 2016
n243Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Beyond commodities: the growth challenge of Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington: BM. Federico Mazzella2 December, 2016
n243Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Access to medicines and incentives for innovation: the balance struck in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on intellectual property (patent and data exclusivity) protection for pharmaceutical products. Washington: CEPAL. Federico Mazzella2 December, 2016
n242Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2016 : igualdad de condiciones para el comercio de las PYMES = World Trade Report 2016 : levelling the trading field for SMEs. 2016. Ginebra: OMC. Federico Mazzella1 November, 2016