Inspiring Activitiesn244 Renewed commitment to infrastructure integration The delegates from the countries of South America to COSIPLAN met online to agree on the 2017 Work Plan. As the secretariat for the…Federico Mazzella26 December, 2016
Ideas de IntegraciónIntegration Ideasn244 Regional exports and the downshift in global trade The Trade and Integration Monitor 2016 analyzes different aspects of the downshift in global trade and the effects that this is having on the…Federico Mazzella26 December, 2016
Ideas de IntegraciónIntegration Ideasn244 MERCOSUR: The state of affairs and future prospects The MERCOSUR Report No. 21 analyzes the macroeconomic outlook for the MERCOSUR and member countries’ trade and investment flows, as well as the main…Federico Mazzella26 December, 2016
Ideas de IntegraciónIntegration Ideasn244 Latin America and China: New Paths, New Approaches Needed INTAL participated in an international conference in Chile with experts from the region and China where the future of the relationship with the Asian…Federico Mazzella26 December, 2016