Lecturas de Integraciónn252Reviews Inversión extranjera directa y sector automotriz Oportunidades y desafíos que traen la convergencia de la economía digital, cambios en movilidad y consumo, regulación y cuidado del medio ambiente.Federico Mazzella1 September, 2017
Integration in Motionn251The SME Space What Should an Export Plan Contain? There are numerous reasons why a firm might decide to sell its products on the international market. This is no easy task, and like…Federico Mazzella2 August, 2017
Integration in Motionn245The SME Space Opportunities in the Renewable Energy Value Chain How local industries, especially SMEs, can leverage new forms of energy to create jobs.Federico Mazzella1 February, 2017
Impact Assessmentn242Reading Material on Integration Macroeconomics and Trade: The Region’s New Challenges A World Bank report analyzes the short- and medium-term prospects for economic development in the region on the basis of changes in the macroeconomy…Federico Mazzella1 November, 2016
Ideas de IntegraciónIntegration Ideasn239 China’s Technological Metamorphosis and Global Trade What sort of erosive effect might the latest technological advances have on global value chains?Federico Mazzella2 August, 2016