Editorialn239 Editorial Staff This is a monthly publication property of the Institute for the Integration of Latin America...Federico Mazzella14 October, 2016
INTrivian239 INTrivia 239 How much do you know about regional integration and trade? Find all the answers here at INTrivia.Federico Mazzella2 August, 2016
n239Trade Thermometer Legal Instruments of Integration (IJI) Observatory Overview of regional trade negotiations and agreements.Federico Mazzella2 August, 2016
n239Trade Thermometer Exporting Knowledge The presence of Latin America and the Caribbean in the market for knowledge-based servicesFederico Mazzella2 August, 2016
Impact assessment.n239 COSIPLAN Geographic Information System Publication by the Working Group on the UNASUR South American Infrastructure and Planning Council (COSIPLAN) Geographic Information System (GIS).Federico Mazzella2 August, 2016
Lecturas de Integraciónn239Reviews Restricciones sanitarias y exportaciones de carne bovina en el Mercosur Cómo y cuánto impactaron las medidas sobre las exportaciones de carne bovina de los socios fundadores del MERCOSURFederico Mazzella2 August, 2016
n239Reading Material on IntegrationReviews The 10 Technologies That Will Change the World in 2016 Batteries that can provide power to whole villages, microchips that could take the place of organs in medical research, and autonomous vehicles are some…Federico Mazzella2 August, 2016