Impact Assessmentn243Reading Material on Integration Robots and Industrialization in Developing Countries What global challenges must we face up to if we are to prevent inequality from growing as a consequence of job loss?Federico Mazzella2 December, 2016
Integration in MotionInternational Scenarion240 Promoting the Involvement of Least Developed Countries in Trade Negotiations Financial incentives seek to increase countries’ negotiating capacities and enable them to take part effectively in the global trading system.Federico Mazzella1 September, 2016
Integration in MotionInternational Scenarion236 Differences at the WTO over Markets for Non-Agricultural Goods Several WTO members have expressed their desire to revive negotiations to further open markets for non-agricultural goods.Federico Mazzella2 May, 2016
Integration in MotionInternational Scenarion236 Least Developed Countries Ask to Fast Track Implementation of Nairobi Package On April 13th, 2016, WTO member countries were urged to implement the recent decisions as soon as possible.Federico Mazzella2 May, 2016