Impact assessment.n250 Generating Technological Knowledge to Build Competitiveness How the accumulation of technological knowledge impacts the competitiveness of Latin America and the Caribbean.Federico Mazzella11 July, 2017
Integration in Motionn249Regional PanoramaSouthern Cone Chile Signs Agreements with China and Joins the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank An official visit to China to take part in the Silk Road Forum led to the signing of agreements that the two countries had…Federico Mazzella2 June, 2017
Integration in Motionn247Regional PanoramaSouthern Cone Argentina and Spain Sign Cooperation Agreements The two countries renewed their bilateral relations and committed to working together on various issues related to trade and investment.Federico Mazzella30 March, 2017
n246Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration The Reinvention of Digital Technology Despite the exponential leaps that digital technology has made, it has only recently started to truly penetrate industries.Federico Mazzella6 March, 2017
Andean GroupIntegration in Motionn246Regional Panorama Pacific Alliance Moves toward Integration through the Digital Economy The block continues to implement actions to develop trade technology. Chile calls on other members to leverage e-commerce.Federico Mazzella6 March, 2017
Central America and Mexicon246Regional Panorama New Free Trade Zones Approved in Nicaragua Companies say there will be new investments and a major opening up of the labor market.Federico Mazzella6 March, 2017
AmericaIntegration in Motionn242Regional Panorama 10th LAC-China Business Summit Some 1,500 businesspeople, diplomats, and government officials from China and LAC took part, making this the best-attended event in the summit’s history.Federico Mazzella1 November, 2016
n240Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Innovation and internationalization of latin american services Innovation and internationalization in services are key drivers of structural transformation, productivity growth and overall...Federico Mazzella1 September, 2016
n240Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Firm innovation and productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean : the engine of economic development This volume uses the study of firm dynamics to investigate the factors preventing faster productivity...Federico Mazzella1 September, 2016