Lecturas de Integraciónn252Reviews Inversión extranjera directa y sector automotriz Oportunidades y desafíos que traen la convergencia de la economía digital, cambios en movilidad y consumo, regulación y cuidado del medio ambiente.Federico Mazzella1 September, 2017
n249Reading Material on IntegrationReviews The Space Economy in Argentina Opportunities for productive innovation to sustainably improve competitiveness in an underexplored area.Federico Mazzella5 June, 2017
Impact Assessmentn249Reading Material on Integration Robots and the Future of Work: Is Technological Unemployment on the Horizon? As technologies take over the tasks traditionally performed by human labor, there is growing concern around the future of employment.Federico Mazzella5 June, 2017
n240Reading Material on IntegrationReviews Trade and Innovation: Public Policy Options Innovation and trade are increasingly interconnected. A new approach to the interface between them is needed if we are to develop appropriate policies.Federico Mazzella1 September, 2016
n240Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Innovation and internationalization of latin american services Innovation and internationalization in services are key drivers of structural transformation, productivity growth and overall...Federico Mazzella1 September, 2016
n240Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Firm innovation and productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean : the engine of economic development This volume uses the study of firm dynamics to investigate the factors preventing faster productivity...Federico Mazzella1 September, 2016