Editorialn233 Editorial Staff This is a monthly publication property of the Institute for the Integration of Latin America...Federico Mazzella29 January, 2016
Bibliographical Newsn233Reading Material on Integration Bibliographical News This weekly alert disseminates information on the highlighted documents recently uploaded in the INTAL Documentation...Federico Mazzella29 January, 2016
n233Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Strengthening the Global Trade and Investment System in the 21st Century. (2016). Davos: E15. Federico Mazzella29 January, 2016
n233Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration COSIPLAN Activities Report 2015 (in Spanish) The annual COSIPLAN Activities Report has been published. It includes a detailed analysis of the state of regional infrastructure.Federico Mazzella29 January, 2016
n233Reading Material on IntegrationReviews From Competition to Convergence. The TTIP and International Standards Not only do unnecessary divergences resulting from a lack of standardization create barriers to trade between the EU and the United States, they also…Federico Mazzella29 January, 2016
Impact Assessmentn233Reading Material on Integration How Trade Can Affect Competitiveness A recent World Economic Forum document has found a virtuous relationship between trade liberalization and economic competitiveness.Federico Mazzella29 January, 2016
Integration in Motionn233The SME Space From Commodities to Value Added Most countries in Latin America and the Caribbean could improve their integration into the global trade system by incorporating a certain degree of processing…Federico Mazzella29 January, 2016
INTrivian233 INTrivia 233 How much do you know about regional integration and trade? Find all the answers here at INTriviaFederico Mazzella29 January, 2016
n233Trade Thermometer Legal Instruments of Integration (IJI) Observatory This article is a brief summary of the main activity in the field of trade policy in Latin America for the period between December…Federico Mazzella29 January, 2016