Impact Assessmentn233Reading Material on Integration How Trade Can Affect Competitiveness A recent World Economic Forum document has found a virtuous relationship between trade liberalization and economic competitiveness.Federico Mazzella29 January, 2016
Lecturas de Integraciónn232Notable Publications Nota técnica: Registro del comercio exterior de bienes y regímenes especiales En una nueva nota técnica se analiza las metodologías para Centroamérica y República Dominicana.Federico Mazzella22 December, 2015
Bibliographical Newsn232Reading Material on Integration Bibliographical News This weekly alert disseminates information on the highlighted documents recently uploaded in the INTAL Documentation...Federico Mazzella21 December, 2015
n232Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Desarrollo social inclusivo : una nueva generación de políticas para superar la pobreza y reducir la desigualdad en América Latina y el Caribe. (2015). Santiago de Chile: CEPAL. Federico Mazzella21 December, 2015
n232Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Aplicación metodología EASE-IIRSA. (2015). Bogotá: CAF. Federico Mazzella21 December, 2015
n232Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Dussel Peters, E., coord. (2015). América Latina y el Caribe y China : economía, comercio e inversión 2015. México: RED-ALC-CHINA. Federico Mazzella21 December, 2015
n232Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Beliz, G., dir. y Ramos Martínez, A., coord. (2015). Informe MERCOSUR número 20 : Segundo semestre 2014 – Primer semestre 2015. Buenos Aires: INTAL. Federico Mazzella21 December, 2015
n232Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Trade Trend Estimates for 2016 The value of merchandise exports from Latin America and the Caribbean will contract by 14% in 2015, according to estimates in the latest IDB…Federico Mazzella21 December, 2015
n232Reading Material on IntegrationReviews The WTO at 20: Challenges and Achievements The achievements of the multilateral trading system, such as international standards and the dispute settlement system, contrast with the difficulty of making headway on…Federico Mazzella21 December, 2015