Lecturas de Integraciónn232Notable Publications Nota técnica: Registro del comercio exterior de bienes y regímenes especiales En una nueva nota técnica se analiza las metodologías para Centroamérica y República Dominicana.Federico Mazzella22 December, 2015
Integration in Motionn232Regional PanoramaSouthern Cone MERCOSUR Summit: Presidents Commit to Deepening Regional Integration From December 15 to 20, 2015, the Mercosur Summit was held in Asunción, as part of Paraguay’s pro-tempore presidency of the bloc.Federico Mazzella22 December, 2015
Integration in MotionInternational Scenarion232 Nairobi I: Agreement to Eliminate Agricultural Subsidies The historic summit in Kenya also led to the relaunch of the WTO as the guiding body for world trade.Federico Mazzella21 December, 2015
Central America and MexicoIntegration in Motionn232Regional Panorama Costa Rica Suspends its Involvement in SICA over the Stranded Cuban Migrant Crisis Costa Rica has decided to leave the political body of the bloc over its differences with the other members in relation to the Cuban…Federico Mazzella21 December, 2015
Editorialn232 Editorial Staff This is a monthly publication property of the Institute for the Integration of Latin America...Federico Mazzella21 December, 2015
INTrivian232 INTrivia 232 How much do you know about regional integration and trade? Find all the answers here at INTriviaFederico Mazzella21 December, 2015
n232Trade Thermometer INTAL Interactive Infographics and Fact Sheets Fact sheets provide a detailed map of integration and regional trade through interactive displays and brief conceptual explanations of the different topics.Federico Mazzella21 December, 2015
Bibliographical Newsn232Reading Material on Integration Bibliographical News This weekly alert disseminates information on the highlighted documents recently uploaded in the INTAL Documentation...Federico Mazzella21 December, 2015
n232Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Desarrollo social inclusivo : una nueva generación de políticas para superar la pobreza y reducir la desigualdad en América Latina y el Caribe. (2015). Santiago de Chile: CEPAL. Federico Mazzella21 December, 2015