Ideas de Integraciónn257 LATINDIA: El futuro de la cooperación de India y América Latina Más de 30 expertos de la India y América Latina analizan el futuro de la cooperación entre ambas regionesFederico Mazzella29 January, 2018
Lecturas de Integraciónn252Reviews Inversión extranjera directa y sector automotriz Oportunidades y desafíos que traen la convergencia de la economía digital, cambios en movilidad y consumo, regulación y cuidado del medio ambiente.Federico Mazzella1 September, 2017
Ideas de Integraciónn252 Robotlución El INTAL presentó una nueva publicación sobre el futuro del empleo con contribuciones de 40 expertos internacionales.Federico Mazzella1 September, 2017
n251Trade Thermometer Between Ourselves The shape of intraregional trade in Latin America and the Caribbean.Federico Mazzella2 August, 2017
n251Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration The Orange Economy in Latin America Some of the answers to the development challenges facing Latin America and the Caribbean may lie in the hands of creatives, designers, artists, and…Federico Mazzella2 August, 2017
n250Notable PublicationsReading Material on Integration Digital Trade in Latin America and the Caribbean The internet is changing consumption patterns, the outlook for firms, and economic prospects in the region.Federico Mazzella11 July, 2017
Impact assessment.n250 Generating Technological Knowledge to Build Competitiveness How the accumulation of technological knowledge impacts the competitiveness of Latin America and the Caribbean.Federico Mazzella11 July, 2017
Ideas de IntegraciónIntegration Ideasn249 Exports from Latin America and the Caribbean Have Grown for the First Time in Four Years A new IDB report stresses that the value of exports grew at a year-on-year rate of 17% in the first quarter of 2017.Federico Mazzella2 June, 2017
Integration in MotionInternational Scenarion248 China Increases Petroleum Imports from Brazil, the USA, and Canada This year, the Asian giant is on its way to outstripping the United States as the world’s largest oil consumer.Federico Mazzella27 April, 2017