Integration in Motionn252Regional PanoramaSouthern Cone Brazil Aspires to Announce MERCOSUR–EU Agreement in Late 2017 As pro-tempore president of the MERCOSUR, Brazil guaranteed that it would fast-track negotiations in the hope of presenting the agreement at the upcoming WTO…Federico Mazzella1 September, 2017
AmericaIntegration in Motionn250Regional Panorama Mexico–Brazil Negotiations to Intensify Integration Continue The two countries remain committed to forging closer, mutually beneficial ties.Federico Mazzella11 July, 2017
Integration in Motionn249Regional PanoramaSouthern Cone Mexico Seeks to Seal New Trade Agreements with Argentina and Brazil The focus of negotiations is on expanding the supply of grains, which are essential to Mexico's trade in livestock products.Federico Mazzella2 June, 2017
CaribbeanIntegration in Motionn249Regional Panorama Panama Resumes Imports of Meat Products from Brazil The government has lifted the disqualification of sanitary records for meat products from Brazil.Federico Mazzella2 June, 2017
Integration in Motionn240Regional PanoramaSouthern Cone Argentina and Brazil Agree to Use Digital Certificates of Origin The two largest economies in the MERCOSUR seek to move forward with bilateral trade facilitation.Federico Mazzella1 September, 2016
Central America and MexicoIntegration in Motionn239Regional Panorama Mexico and Brazil Review Economic Agreement to Add Industrial and Agricultural Goods Government officials from Mexico and Brazil met with the aim of expanding their Economic Complementarity Agreement (ECA)Federico Mazzella2 August, 2016
Integration in Motionn238Regional PanoramaSouthern Cone Brazil and Paraguay Sign Air and Roadbuilding Agreements Ministers from the two countries met in Brasilia to review bilateral affairs and reach new agreements.Federico Mazzella5 July, 2016
Integration in Motionn237Regional PanoramaSouthern Cone Uruguay and Brazil Address Border Issues Officials from the two governments met to discuss current initiatives and put forward new ones.Federico Mazzella26 May, 2016
Integration in Motionn237Regional PanoramaSouthern Cone First Bioceanic Corridor Meeting Held Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Paraguay continue to develop a corridor to facilitate trade and logistics.Federico Mazzella26 May, 2016