Central America and Mexicon245 Support for the Central American Digital Trade Platform This initiative is part of the Central American Trade Facilitation and Competitiveness Strategy (EFCC) and is supported by the European Union.Federico Mazzella31 January, 2017
Integration in Motionn241Regional PanoramaSouthern Cone Argentina Makes Headway on the Single Window for Foreign Trade System The initiative is part of a plan to promote intraregional trade facilitation.Federico Mazzella27 September, 2016
Integration in Motionn240Regional PanoramaSouthern Cone Argentina and Brazil Agree to Use Digital Certificates of Origin The two largest economies in the MERCOSUR seek to move forward with bilateral trade facilitation.Federico Mazzella1 September, 2016
Andean GroupIntegration in Motionn239Regional Panorama Peru Ratifies WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement The country has added its signature to the agreementFederico Mazzella2 August, 2016
Andean GroupIntegration in Motionn239Regional Panorama Andean Community Creates Observatory for Pacific Alliance SMEs Member countries are seeking to coordinate trade regulations that facilitate intrazonal and international tradeFederico Mazzella2 August, 2016
Central America and MexicoIntegration in Motionn238Regional Panorama The IDB and SIECA Make Headway on Trade Facilitation The two organizations have signed an agreement that seeks to make a significant positive impact on the cost, time, and forecasting of traffic through…Federico Mazzella5 July, 2016
AmericaIntegration in Motionn237Regional Panorama The Additional Protocol to the Pacific Alliance Enters into Force The signing of this document implies an expansion of intraregional trade. Some 92% of goods are now duty-free.Federico Mazzella26 May, 2016
Integration in Motionn232Regional PanoramaSouthern Cone Brazil Makes Progress on Regulatory Harmonization with the United States The two countries signed various agreements on regulatory convergence and patents and made progress on other areas of joint work.Federico Mazzella21 December, 2015
Central America and MexicoIntegration in Motionn231Regional Panorama Central America Makes Headway on Trade Facilitation The COMIECO adopted a regional trade facilitation strategy and Panama ratified the WTO agreement on the subject.Federico Mazzella2 December, 2015